
Toplet Bomb Map

  M A J O R  UPDATE >7 months after this post was created<  May 13, 2023  Portal of Light Activation and Taiwan Conference Reports "  the Light forces have destroyed all remaining toplet bombs . This is a huge victory, since toplet bombs represented major danger to the planet and a huge barrier against the planetary liberation. In the past, I was quite optimistic and naive by believing that as soon as the toplet bombs are removed, the Event will happen. The reality is much more complex. The surface population is much more programmed than previously believed, and much more of the etheric matrix and subquantum anomaly must be removed to safely guide the surface population through the Event process without key persons freaking out, because basic food and energy distribution chains must remain largely intact at the moment of the Event. The good news is that removing ...


  Movies  1)  Star Trek 2009     2)  Dragon Ball Super - Super Hero     3)  Antman     Interesting MSM articles as result of ant man movies which introduced the quantum aspect into the marvel cinematic universe :  -Also A small spin off show : Games  1)  God of War 1 Clip 1 : - Chimera are spider beings , The God of War says "you've no idea what a true monster is" as he grows spider-like appendages even the official site stated this : - Depicts the fallen ar...

Cobra Post Quotes

Interview Quotes         2014   1)  October 7, 2014 Plasma and the Planetary Situation Update There are quantum singularity wormholes within the plasmatic plane and in the occult terminology they are called the Tunnels of Set. Those wormholes contain strangelet and toplet bombs and they are tied to the physical Black Stone in the Long Island location. This is the main reason why clearing of the plasma scalar network and the Veil is taking so long.   The Light forces are dealing with this situation and there has been significant progress regarding removal of the plasma strangelet bombs, whereas plasma toplet bombs still remain a challenge.         There is another plane similar to plasma, but on a much higher octave, between the higher mental (manasic) and the buddhic plane. That plane is called the buddhi-manas membrane and separat...