


 Star Trek 2009





 Dragon Ball Super - Super Hero








Interesting MSM articles as result of ant man movies which introduced the quantum aspect into the marvel cinematic universe :




 -Also A small spin off show :




 God of War 1

Clip 1 :

- Chimera are spider beings , The God of War says "you've no idea what a true monster is" as he grows spider-like appendages even the official site stated this :


- Depicts the fallen archangel ( ares fallen god ) theme of which the chimera are .

Clip 2 :

- White/Electric-Blue is the color of the emanation of Free Will - The Divine(Electric) Masculine , Pure Source . This is why its often depicted as fire or electricity .

  •    M J O L N I R   is an advanced quantum technology of Galactic Light Forces ( "Power of the gods unleashed " ) to purify the anomaly & re connected us with the source through a pillar of lightning bolt as you see in the example above . This is why thunderstorms have an awe inspiring experience to them for some.

Clip 3 :

Depicts chimera opening a blackhole 

( Directly connected to toplet bombs as thats where they are & what implants really are at the core ) 

 then speaking of breaking another's spirit , again referencing the matrix programing from the chimera

Clip 5 :

Finally we have the Toplet Bomb reference via the explosion . Since the chimera created the bombs & ares is obviously being depicts as chimera , then its very likely this is a toplet bomb disclosure

" There is another pair of physical spider king and spider queen still remaining. They came from Rigel star system in 1996 and are since then situated in a Chimera underground base below Congo. The male counterpart is now the main occult force behind the quarantine status of planet Earth"


 Destroy All Humans by Pandemic Studios/Australia (2004)

( April 2014 ) - The Chimera group has put physical strangelet bombs inside most of US military bases and some military bases of other nations and these bombs form the main line of defense against the advance of Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of this planet.


  • Mentions quarks / naked singularity at a military base which TB have been in the past & in a certain way still are to a degree





Just Like Here :



 The ship has spider legs :


The TB's are w/n our implants :



(notice spider/insect element , once again)


Same series discloses

 Primary Anomaly - https://jakanddaxter.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_eco

Implants - https://jakanddaxter.fandom.com/wiki/Skull_gem


This game series has plenty of spiders here are just a few times :





4) Ratchet & Clank


The 1st games (2002)first level has you looking for Captain Quark :


 It just so happens that the 1st weapon you attain on that 1st level is a BOMB glove :



Ratchet & Clank New game(2021) RIFT APART main story is about Anomaly / Archons ( includes spider elements ) & returning to the dimension your long lost family has been , meeting your twin flames.

  • This time they make the resistance seem like the enemy, this is common inversion tactic by the cabal , when the light forces put too much disclosure in one place the cabal like to invert where they can to attempt to confuse. Important to keep in mind:

See the movie -



 In an earlier game from 2007 called TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION


 The character QUARK in the intro scene mentions "planetary defense "

  • * B/c Toplet(quark particle) bombs are the main defense the chimera use to keep the matrix existing & preventing the liberation/contact 

- there is another inversion tactic where the chimera character is represented by the Percivel Tachyon which is in reality a particle that is pure light, another programming attempt


The same game developer insomniac games :


 Made another series :


who's main enemy just so happen to be called :








 Dragon Ball Super - Tournament of Power Season





 Spiderman (1990s)




" Quantum bomb was a devastating weapon developed by Arkanian ( Archon ) researchers 

( a near-Human species..considered themselves the pinnacle of evolution, and as such many were distinctly arrogant. Arkanian scientists had been experts in genetic manipulation for millennia ) 

looking for an alternate energy source.  

 Just like explained in this other show :

The bomb broke the connections of elementary particles at a subatomic level, obliterates any matter within a radius of 20,000 to 50,000 kilometers. Such variable range made quantum bomb an unpredictability and they were rarely used during warfare. Despite this, the Eternal Empire of Zakuul used quantum bombs during the Eternal Empire conquest conflicts, such as the occupation of Denon. Zakuulan military officer Koth Vortena witnessed the destruction of Denon fleet, which pushed him to defect and later join the Alliance against Zakuul.[1]

Koth installed one quantum bomb on the Gravestone vessel to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. However, it proved a liability when the ship was taken over by SCORPIO and Vaylin with Koth still onboard and the Alliance fleet nearby. Koth and the Alliance Commander had to defuse bomb fuses throughout the ship and after bomb was triggered anyway during Vaylin's fight with Lana Beniko, he barely had the time to disarm the main component manually.[1] "

These are examples related to QUANTUM :



" A quantum fluctuation is a phenomenon which can allow for dimensional shifting.

Jadzia Dax hypothesized that the Bajoran wormhole's artificial nature obscured the quantum fluctuation patterns normally associated with wormholes. (DS9: "Emissary")

The Gamma Quadrant planet Meridian underwent periodic quantum fluctuations due to a cascade reaction in the planet's sun, Trialus. This resulted in the planet undergoing transitions to a dimension which intersected our own, where the inhabitants existed in a non-corporeal state. (DS9: "Meridian") "


" Quantum flux is a phenomenon whereby a substance's quantum signature becomes asynchronous with normal matter, and which allows for shifting between alternate quantum realities.

In 2370, as a result of an encounter with a quantum fissure, Lieutenant Worf was thrown into a state of quantum flux and began to shift between different quantum realities whenever exposed to a subspace field pulse produced by Lieutenant Commander La Forge's VISOR. (TNG: "Parallels") "

 Anomaly & toplet bombs are the deadlock between the light and dark forces , the character QUARK from star trek was in an episode called :

https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Deadlock_(episode) - ( AIRED IN MARCH 1996 ) " While trying to avoid Vidiian territory, Voyager is nearly destroyed by proton bursts coming from an unknown source"

 another episode :

"on a planet whose inhabitants shift between this universe and a plane of pure energy, re-emerging every sixty years. Back on DS9, Quark tries to obtain a holo-image of Major Kira for an erotic holosuite program for a wealthy patron." - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Meridian_(episode)

2) Marvel Cinematic Universe

" The Multiverse is always in fluctuation,[3] and the several outcomes of certain events, which could result in the creation of alternate timelines,[7] can be perceived and studied. Machines like Victor Stein's time machine[8][9] and the Chronicoms' time stream[10] were able to sense the nearest possible outcome within the timestream of the Multiverse. Realms where time is irrelevant, like the Quantum Realm, are a mechanism to travel either through time or access alternate timelines" - https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Multiverse


Many Notable mentions

  • The power to manipulate quantum foam. Ultimate version of Quantum Manipulation.User can manipulate quantum foam, the smallest level and foundation of reality, from which existence and dimension emerges.Since the quantum foam is on an even smaller level than even quantum strings, it can bypass all the limitations that quantum strings have and even negate their effects. As the foundation and origin of reality, this power allows you to manipulate the principles of the existence, being able to create universes and forces out of a pure unity of substance, and rearrange/transmutate anything, give properties to anything without limits etc....Due to quantum nature being chaotic and unpredictable, the power can present a danger to the user " - https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Quantum_Foam_Manipulation

  • "The mineral was first discovered by the Gek Noot on the lava planet Uerquel Wachi in 3421. Formed by a quantum instability in the planet that led to the rock gaining life and becoming what is simply known as a Living Stone. Certain Korvax scientists postulate that the quantum instability may have been caused by a dimensional fluctuation leading to silicoid consciousness from another dimension to slip into our own to inhabit these otherwise small and inconsequential stones." - https://extraterrestrialfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Azhikhite

  • Level [REDACTED] is a presumably infinite maze of yellow corridors and walls. The level is only accessible through quantum fluctuations in the void, resulting from one noclipping through the idea of reality itself. Level [REDACTED] has been described as one of the most terrifying levels in the Backrooms due to its looping mazelike structure and isolated" - https://backrooms.fandom.com/wiki/Level_REDACTED
  • " As a sorcerer of the quantum bloodline, your ancestry ties you to mysterious entities from the astral plane, a powerful celestial, an ancient time elemental, or perhaps beings from an alternate reality. Quantum sorcerers manipulate time and probability to influence the outcomes of otherwise more random events. " - https://heroes-of-erissan-dnd5e-homebrew.fandom.com/wiki/Quantum_Bloodline
  •  Chaos Magic - Magic that allows the user to harness the raw magical energy in order to freely manipulate quantum foam, which is, a fluctuation of space-time on a infinitely small scale. This quantum foam can be used to form "thread of chaos" also dubbed as Cosmic Strings that constitute the aggregate reality up to the fifth-dimension, at the very least. " - https://fairytailfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Chaos_Magick
  •  "A quantum space pocket is the common name of a particular region of space and all its Brizospace, subspace, sQuantum space pockets are formed when there is a Quantum fluctuation that creates a new "pocket universe" off of the main universeuperspace, quantum space, and probability space equivalents. They are formed from quantum fluxuations creating a "pocket universe" off of another universe, and are therefore extremely rare....Quantum space pockets may sometimes engulf a planet or even a whole solar system or galax" - https://technobabble.fandom.com/wiki/Quantum_Space_Pocket

  • " The Quattuordecivoid contains The Tredecivoid. It is mostly a void, but it contains a very small galaxy called mouse galaxy in the center and The Tredecivoid in one of the corners. ..Sometimes a quantum fluctuation in this verse will create a hydrogen bomb (or in very rare cases quark bomb) and make it explode, but luckily, they almost will never detonate " - https://beyond-universe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Quattuordecivoid

  • " Firstly, there was only an incredibly large and open space, where nothing yet resided. This space was however filled with energy, that filled up it all. Suddenly, a certain quantum fluctuation occurred near the center of this universe. This fluctuation resulted in the creation of a first shape, a first polygon - the first egg...and started to populate the world. Soon, the whole arena was populated due to the quantum fluctuations." - https://tanon.fandom.com/wiki/Lore_Storyline


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